
How to do a Dead Bug Lateral Pallof Press

By August 21, 2019February 6th, 2022No Comments

How to Perform a Dead Bug Lateral Pallof Press with TurnFit Personal Trainers and Guest Kennedy Hindley

This exercise will help strengthen and stabilize your core, engaging each side of your core. By keeping your lower back on the ground you are minimizing pressure on the back.

1. Loop the midpoint of a resistance band around a pole or squat rack, about 2-3 feet off the ground.
2. Lie on your back 2 or 3 feet from and facing sideways (lateral) to the anchor point of the band, and clasp your hands together around the band. Arms bent hold the band right next to your rib cage.
3. Make sure you have a neutral alignment of your spine along the ground. Breathe, drawing air into your lower abdomen.
4. Raise your legs so that your hips and knees are both bent 90 degrees. .
5. Press your arms away from your rib cage. Keep your back in contact with the ground.
6. Move your arms back down.
7. Repeat.
8. Face the other way and repeat.

NOTE: During this contralateral movement, think about moving your arms back and forward in the middle of the shoulders without rotation.

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Author TurnFit

TurnFit Personal Trainers is founded by David Turnbull or “Coach David” – an experienced and successful Personal Trainer who strives to build happier, healthier lives every day. With a focus on holistic health, we pride ourselves on making a difference and were recently awarded the Top Choice Award for Personal Trainer in Vancouver for the 5th year in a row. Every trainer at TurnFit is committed and relentless in our pursuit to help you reach your health and wellness goals. It’s our mission to help you to build the skills, and mindset, it takes to feel successful in all areas of your life. We look forward to hearing from you! -David Turnbull

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