How to do a Dead bug Alternating Arm Reach
August 21, 2019
How to do a Deadbug Arm and Leg Reach
August 21, 2019

TurnFit Personal Trainers Ltd.

How to do a Dead Bug Alternating Psoas March

How to perform a Dead Bug Alternating Psoas March with TurnFit Personal Trainers and guest Kennedy Hindley

This exercise is a great way to strengthen your hip flexors while giving them a stretch to improve or maintain range of motion. If you have tight hip flexors and many of us do, this exercise is for you.

1. Lie face up with arms fully extended above us in line with your shoulders. Bring our legs to tabletop position, knees bent and lower legs parallel to the floor. Place a band around your feet.
2. Breathe into your lower abdomen to stabilize your lumbar spine.
4. Move one foot out as though to straighten it. Brace core while we reach one leg out against the banded resistance. Do not allow your rib cage to lift as you move your leg. Maintain contact of your back to the ground.
5. Bring it back to the starting position.
4. Repeat alternating legs.

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