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TurnFit Personal Trainers Vancouver, Training In Person And Online Personal Training | Testimonial
May 19, 2020
TuneIn To TurnFit | Episode 8 | French Bulldog, Corona-Calorie Weight Loss Tips, Muay Thai, Travel
May 20, 2020

TurnFit Personal Trainers Ltd.

TuneIn To TurnFit | Episode 8 | French Bulldog, Corona-Calorie Weight Loss Tips, Muay Thai, Travel.

Today in TuneIn To TurnFit Episode 8 we talk about French bulldog follies, Corona-calorie weight loss tips, muay Thai, work/travel and how to run a business while married w special guest joe and Emma owners of Vancouver based movement foods.

Still haven’t subscribed to Self on YouTube? ►► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZofic8Z-MQIYl7ZYxeRuA?sub_confirmation=1

Check out Movement Foods Here: https://movementfood.com/

You can also find this podcast here:



For more information about our programs or packages, or about any of our resources please don’t hesitate to reach out and connect:

Call: 778-887-0660
Email: info@turnfit.ca
Website: https://turnfit.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurnFitPersonalTrainers

We’re always available to help you improve your health and fitness goals!
About Turnfit Personal Trainers
Turnfit Personal Trainers is founded by David Turnbull or “Coach David” – an experienced and successful Personal Trainer who strives to build happier, healthier lives every day.

With a focus on holistic health, we pride ourselves on making a difference and were recently awarded the 2019 Top Choice Award for Personal Trainer in Vancouver.

Every trainer at Turnfit is committed and relentless in our pursuit to help you reach your health and wellness goals. It’s our mission to help you to build the skills, and mindset, it takes to feel successful in all areas of your life.