Refund Policy
- In accordance with the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
[SBC 2004], c.2 (the “Act”), the Member may cancel their training Agreement as follows:
- a) by providing written notice of the cancellation to TurnFit within 10 days of the first payment for services with TurnFit;
- b) by providing 60 days’ written notice of the cancellation to TurnFit, with proof, for any of the following material changes in the circumstances of the Member:
(i) the death of the Member;
(ii) a physical, medical or mental disability of the Member,
evidenced in writing by a medical doctor’s or nurse
practitioner’s note stating the following:
- the Member’s continued participation in the Personal
Training Services is unreasonable because of the
Member’s condition; or
- the Member’s continued participation in the Personal
Training Services is likely to endanger the Member’s
health; or
(iii) the relocation of the Member for the duration of the Term,
evidenced in writing by a copy of the Member’s government
issued ID showing the Member’s new address, so that the
distance between his or her new address and the Facility is
more than 30 kilometers greater than when the Member and
TurnFit entered into this Agreement, and TurnFit cannot
provide a reasonably comparable alternative facility for the
use of the Member which is not more than 30 kilometers from
the Member’s new address.
Notwithstanding subsection 1(b)(iii) above, if the Member has
purchased Home Personal Training Services and has relocated to a new
address which is greater than 30 kilometers from the Member’s home
address listed on page 1 of this Agreement, then TurnFit will substitute
its Online Personal Training Services for the Home Personal Training
Services, at no additional cost to the Member, and will provide the
Member’s remaining Sessions to him or her online.
1.3 Upon receiving the Member’s notice of cancellation in writing pursuant
to section 2.1 and proof of same for those reasons listed in section 1.1(b),
TurnFit will refund the Member the amount of money paid by the
Member in respect of this Agreement for all remaining unused Sessions, if any, less a prescribed amount on account of TurnFit’s costs, within 15
days after the notice of cancellation has been delivered. After 10 days refunds are issued in a form of gift card towards TurnFit Personal Trainers LTD or Written Cheque. There is a restocking fee of 20% to cover the cost of your program design.
1.4 Except for those reasons provided in Section 1.1 and the Act, all
Sessions are non-refundable and TurnFit will not be responsible for
providing the Member a refund for the amount of money paid by the
Member in respect of this Agreement for any remaining unused Sessions
if the Member delivers his or her written notice of cancellation to
1.5 If the Member has Sessions which remain unused at the end of the Term,
the Sessions will expire and TurnFit will not refund the Member the
Session Price for the remaining unused Sessions.
2.1 The Member acknowledges that by participating in the Personal
Training Services, he or she is exposing himself or herself to various
risks including, but not limited to risk of personal injury, harm and death
caused by overexertion, improper use of equipment, slips, trips and falls,
defective equipment and negligence on the part of himself or herself,
TurnFit, the Personal Trainer and any third parties. Notwithstanding the
risks noted above, the Member voluntarily accepts and fully
assumes all such risks of any personal injury, harm and death
associated with his or her participation in the Personal Training
2.2 The Member will abide by the rules and procedures established by
TurnFit and the Facility.